
You asked:

> I'm looking for a utility to split polylines into multiple segments.
> I need this to split a series of bus routes into links for routing
> using RouteView Pro.  I downloaded Mark Ogilvie's utility but it
> didn't work.

If I understand your need, you want to "clean" your road network, i.e.
split polylines at intersections, join polylines segments between
intersections or split segments in order to respect bus routes.

Our MapInfo add-on, called MapLogix is able to realize these tasks and many
others in order to produce networks that respect topology rules. You can
try the demo, which is accompanied of a summary documentation, at or on MapInfo-L site.

Hope this helps,


||    //            Josee Bouchard
||   //              [EMAIL PROTECTED]
||  //                #ICQ 8348615
||  \\
||   \\        Le Groupe KOREM Inc.
||    \\

3360, rue de La Perade, bureau 200
Sainte-Foy (Qc)   CANADA   G1X 2L7

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