The code cleans address data and can be, once be fixed, a useful tool....

There's something wrong here with the following code. The code edits a table
which stores addresses. Unfortunately the
people that entered the data have placed the building number and the
building name in the same field. It is this code's job to
seperate the number and the name, store the number in field2 and place the
remainder into field2.

The code works fine at removing 'first components' but it is removing all
first components - whether they start with a number or a letter.
I have ten constants which store the Asc(str) values of the characters 0 to
9 and as far as i can see (and this is no doubt the problem area) these
values are checked against the first character in the field. This #should#
determine whether the string starts with a number.. but, oh, it doesn't.

examples of how it should work
field2 (original string)     field1      new field2
8 AVON HOUSE        8            AVON HOUSE
BUTT CASTLE                         BUTT CASTLE
9A THE MEWS           9A         THE MEWS

examples of what it is really doing
field2(original string)      field1      new field2
8 AVON HOUSE        8            AVON HOUSE
9A THE MEWS           9A          THE MEWS

' Text adjustments to fields
' In this case we have a table called d:\temp\
' this removes the first component of a string if
' it starts with a number.
' If there is only one component and it starts with
' a number this too will be removed.
' Removed components are placed into another field, field2.
' The rest of the string is returned to field1.

' field1 is for building names
' field2 is for building numbers

' Definitions
Include "MENU.DEF"
Dim tablename As String
Dim num_rows As Integer
Dim complete_string As String
Dim removed_component As String
Dim residue_component As String
Dim string_length As Integer
Dim pos As Integer
Dim record_number As Integer
Dim first_character_value As Integer
Open Table "D:\temp\temp"
tablename = TableInfo(0, TAB_INFO_NAME)
num_rows = TableInfo(0, TAB_INFO_NROWS)

' Asc Variable Definitions.
Dim c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6, c7, c8, c9, c0 As Integer
c1 = Asc("1")
c2 = Asc("2")
c3 = Asc("3")
c4 = Asc("4")
c5 = Asc("5")
c6 = Asc("6")
c7 = Asc("7")
c8 = Asc("8")
c9 = Asc("9")
c0 = Asc("0")

'Run through the table.

Fetch First from temp
Do While Not EOT(temp)
    complete_string = temp.field1
    record_number = temp.rowID
    string_length = Len(complete_string)
    first_character_value = Asc(complete_string)
    If first_character_value = (c1 or c2 or c3 or c4 or c5 or c6 or c7 or c8
or c9 or c0) then

        'First character is a number so remove first component
        pos = InStr(1, complete_string, " ")
        If pos = 0 then
            ' complete_string is a complete number component and must be
completely removed
            Update temp Set field2 = complete_string Where RowID =
            'We have a multiple component string and the first part must be
            removed_component = Left$(complete_string, (pos-1))
            Update temp Set field2 = removed_component Where RowID =
            'And the rest of the string returned...
            residue_component = Right$(complete_string, (string_length-pos))
            Update temp Set field1 = residue_component Where RowID =
        End If
    End If
Fetch Next from temp

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