
You asked:

> I have a street file comprised of polylines, what I would like to do is split
> these polylines into smaller segments that coincide with the street
> intersections. Is there any way to perform an operation that will break up the
> polyline when it intersects another line? I am not really concerned about the
> data attached to the street file ie. address etc it is for purely graphical
> reasons that I wish to perform the split. TIA

MapLogix has been conceived exactly for doing that. Obviously, MapLogix can
realize many other tasks in order to help users in the management of their spatial
data in respect of topology rules. You can find a description of MapLogix
functionalities and download the demo version at

Hope this helps,

||    //            Josee Bouchard
||   //              [EMAIL PROTECTED]
||  //                #ICQ 8348615
||  \\
||   \\        Le Groupe KOREM Inc.
||    \\

3360, rue de La Perade, bureau 200
Sainte-Foy (Qc)   CANADA   G1X 2L7

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