I am very curious in how to play the "ace" MapInfo has given us with
their alliance with Oracle.

I made a call to MapInfo last week asking what I thought might be a
simple question regarding how to buy Oracle 8i and its associated parts
and pieces.  I have not heard anything yet but  expect a response this
week.  So I looked around abit and found that Oracle too is trying to
get this organized.....

A bit of news for the "small" Oracle users.....


A bit of news for the BIG Oracle users.....


And some confusion for all of the Linux revolutionists....


And if you want to BUY or TEST Oracle 8i got to.....


Then I went to MapInfo....

http://www.mapinfo.com/tryit_buyit.html   - not much help but you can
find Spatialware and MapX parts.

http://www.mapinfo.com/welcome/mi_oracle/demo_slp.html  - and this one
really got me puzzeled - An ESRI affect given their introduction of
AkeInfo 8?

More to come....

MidNight Mapper
aka Neil

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