
        I found that the maximum size of a .mb file is 64k.  You can't open
a .mb file in the Mapbasic program over this size (my experiences). So this
is my first project file(MBP)'s utility.

The advantage of using project files(MBP) center around the aforementioned
reusability of code: When you write code in this manner, the project file
acts as a program bank containing open slots into which you may  insert
various program modules........the program is now modular and if another
developer must alter the way the program displays map results, she or he
does not need to search througt 10000 lines of code....and note that:
Recompiling a single module and then relinking its project file require less
time than compiling a single .MB file containing all the subroutines and
functions used by the program.>>

>From  MapBasic Developer's Guide
Whitener, Ryker, Onword Press, p.64-65

Hope this Helps

François Bergeron, Conseiller en Géomatique
Ministère des Transports du Québec
Direction des technologies de l'information
Service à la clientèle (Soutien Géomatique)
Téléphone: (514) 873-4293

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