here are two answers i received to the following:

my table has a field with 10 specific values in it that i set up color themes
for.  when the entrire table is mapped, the colors correctly match the
corresponding value of the field.  for example: apple=red, pear=yellow,
grape=purple, pea=green.

however, when i query and map only a portion of the table, it may only have 2
of the 10 values present, such as pear and pea.  the color theme then becomes
pear=red and pea=yellow.  the color is being determined by the order the
value appears in the field, rather than the value itself.

the thematic map type=individual and the template name=region indvalue.

how do i set up the theme colors to always be apple=red, pear=yellow,
grape=purple, pea=green, regardless of the order they appear in the field
 Answer from MI tech support:
 Unfortunately, you would need to write a MapBasic application to do this.  
 really isn't anyway to set this up in MapInfo.
 MapInfo Technical Support
here's an answer from the MapInfo-L discussion group...

1. In your dataset, make sure that all of your particular data pieces are
assigned a #.  For instance, pear = 1, apple = 2, orange = 3
2. Under Ranges in the Thematic Map Step 1 section, choose Area Ranges,
3. Pick your table and field in section 2.
4. In step 3 Customize area, choose Ranges...
5. For Method, pick Custom.
    For # of ranges, choose 10
6. Type in ranges: 1 to 1, 2 to 2, 3 to 3, etc. for all ten items.
7. Choose OK
8. Choose Styles in the Customize section.
9. Make your color style for each item, then hit OK.
10. SAVE the template as "Greg's Fruit Salad," or whatever.

Heidi Kalin
Scout Geographics
514 West 26th Street, Loft 2W
Kansas City, Missouri  64108
816.471.7337 fax

Tech support has since said Heidi's answer will work.  Thanks Hiedi!

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