Peter Walsh wrote:
> I was impressed with 5.5 when it overlayed 2 complex polygon sets that I
> knew would have failed in previous versions, with the dreaded "regions too
> complex" message. I fairly quickly discovered however that it still has its
> limitations, beyond as certain point it still just fails. It doesn't give
> you an error message, it just doesn't do anything.
> You could try copying them both into a base table, and trying htere, rather
> than in the cosmetic layer. I don't know if this will work, but I have
> noticed the buffering function sometimes seems to be more successful if I
> don't use the cosmetic layer, but rather save the results straight into a
> table.
> The only solution regarding complex datasets for me has been to work in
> grids, and the speed at which Vertical Mapper can create grids, maipulate
> them, and contour them back into vectors is impressive. Inevitably, some
> resolution is lost.
> If you want to work in vectors, it seems the only answer is to buy something
> better than a desktop GIS.

Personally, I have found MI's combine objects function to be a bit of a
dog.  Way to slow (which may have something to do with my underlying
data structure).

It was quicker for me to export the data set(s) via UT and do my
processing in ArcView.  The geo-processing tools in AV are far more
advanced, easy to use and just that much faster.

A personal opinion only, but I would be interested in reading some
others' comments on MI's geo processing because my experience is
admittedly limited, which could therefore cause my vision to be rose


Tony Elson

GIS Analyst

Geographic Technologies Limited
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Wellesley Street,
Auckland, New Zealand

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