Thanks for the messages of support.  The responce certainly highlighted the 
changing atmosphere of todays environment.  The article was posted at 7 PM 
last night - By the time I started work this morning there were 8 messages 
about it sent to me (people actually had read it), with two requests to 
publish it on web sites.

Often things happen on this list that simply blow me away.  Be it the 
responce you can get to a problem, or something like an obscure Austin 
Powers joke shared by two people who live in different countries.  Makes 
the sometimes tiresome flaming sessions regarding censorship issues worth 
sitting through.

Robert Crossley
Trinity Software
10 Trinity Street
Parramatta Park
CAIRNS   4870

Phone: 61-7-40314877
Fax:     61-7-40314810

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