>Make a complete backup.

Actually Mats, I think that's exactly that they don't want to do. Oh, I
should refine that, yes they could make a complete backup, but no they
should not do a complete restore.

In my experience, when system rot proceeds to the point where it's necessary
to nuke & pave (format C:), restoring a complete backup will also restore
most of the problems. The best approach is to backup only those files which
contain configuration and user specific stuff, preferences basically, and
install everything else from the source cd's. (backup of data is an assumed
prerequisite. I keep all my data on a seperate partition or volume from my
programs to make this easier.)

The MapInfo specific preference files which I know of which should be backed
up are: 

%windir%\nviews.txt             ;named views
%windir%\startup.wor    ;auto load on MI startup stuff

These files should be backed up if you've customized them:

...\mapinfo\mapinfow.prj        ;projections
...\mapinfo\mapinfow.pen        ;line styles
...\mapinfo\mapinfow.fnt        ;fonts/symbols
...\mapinfo\mapinfow.clr        ;colour (?)
...\mapinfo\mapinfow.abb        ;abbreviations
...\mapinfo\tools\*     ;custom/downloaded toolboxes


there are also a series of .FTS files in my MI directory which show recent
date stamps, but I have no idea what they are for.



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