Hi Steve!

"Katz, Steve" wrote on the MI-list:
[DELETIA] The response involved the use of the
> ProportionOverlap function and looked like just the answer to a problem I
> was having.
> How was I supposed to discover this function on my own? What other "hidden"
> functions and capabilities are available but unknown to me and others? In
> other words, where do we look for this fundamental type of information.

Well, Steve, I have often asked myself the same question.
Now I know that this, and a great many other functions and other useful
stuff are described in the MapBasic help files. Why this info is kept
secret from MI Pro users I do not know.

Of course, some of the functions can only be used in compiled MapBasic
programs, but in fact, most can be used in the MapBasic window (or
dialog boxes where expressions are created).
The MapBasic window, this poorly documented but very useful interface
has been execellently described by Mr Jacques Paris, a long-time
contributor to this list.
His work can be ordered as a booklet, see
URL: http://www.total.net/~rparis/more.htm
for all details.

Bottom line: Get MapBasic - or at least borrow the help file from
someone - or buy the above book (I have, it is worth every penny - but
maybe it need to be updated now?)

I have access to MapBasic, so I run a small MBX at MI startup that
places a menu link to the MB help file in the MIPRO main menu. This is
because I found that I often start MB only to get at the help file. Go

Regards, Mats.E
:Email/ [EMAIL PROTECTED]                     ICQ#9517386       :
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