Preview the radical changes coming in MapInfo Professional 6.0 including
upprecedented level of componentization (three years-over in the
skunk-works), direct access to several alien data formats (hmmm, like
SHP?), and new useability design.  Watch for new release of ProViewer
5.5 and nifty 1.0 addons ProDraw, ProLabel, and ProBuild.

And how about Visual MapJ, a bean of a cool product?  From little beans
grow big trees!

And did you know you'll be able to own a personal Oracle 8i with Spatial
for $395.  Just works better with MapInfo Professional....MapX and
?????  I hear SDE these days is going for $9500 but it can be had for
less...  a sort of SDE-lite, an JET hang-it-on-the-index nifty.

And watch for real "spatial analysis" for all you MapGriders.....

MidNight Mapper
aka Neil

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