I have just spent the whole afternoon trying to figure out how to change the
brush, pen attributes of a selection of polygons using the Map Basic Window.
I can do it manually using Stylist.mbx but I would like to automate the
process thro' the MBW.
I have checked the list archive but there are only solutions involving Map
Basic (for.. next loops) which I do not have.
I was hoping it may be as simple as     Update Selection Set Style
Makebrush(pattern, forecolour, backcolour). Alas, hours of beautiful sunny
weather slipped by as I struggled with all sorts of combinations.
Any suggestions please would be appreciated.

Kim Greenham
Watershed Digital Mapping
RMB 1015 Denmark Western Australia  6333
Ph 61 (08) 9848 2428 Fax 61 (08) 9848 2458

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