Hi Russ

sorry it's taken a week, firstly I have found when using ps drivers on PC's
it defaults to the prn option because of the stupidity of dos. I have found
before that by simply renaming the .prn to ps has enabled me to carry on
with a job, it was a long time ago so my mind is a bit hazy.

As far as macs go, the info about a file is not restricted to *.abc but a
seperate resource fork where information is also stored on the actual
creator application. This is the fundemental reason why pc's can't read
standard mac files as they need the dos suffix which mac's dont use,
however macs don't need a resouce fork ,and can open pc files by using the
dos suffix to identify the file type. Most cross platform software tend to
have a component which recognises if you add a dos suffix to a file name
and then jigggles with the file to make it pc readable.
Whereas with a pc you tell it which application it must use to open *.eps
witha mac it first looks using the resource fork to see if you have the
application and if not it then gives you a list of applications it feels
will open that file. Alternatively it is not bound to honour any dos
suffix, it is merely part of the file name eg in photoshop, you can save a
tif file and call it picture.jpg, it will save it, and any mac app that
opens tiff will will happily open it because the resource fork says it's a
tif, if you send the file to a pc as windows throws a wobbler because it
tries to open the file as jpg which it is clearly not. Where there is no
resource fork such as with a file created on a PC, macs trust your
intelligence and generally allow you to try to open it up in any
application hence I think if you have file.prn and rename it file.ps the
mac will treat it as a postscript if you open it in an application that
handles ps assuming my first paragraph is correct

As regards the save window as route, I would forget it as the PC has the
added benefit of being able to save as a Photoshop 3 file but doing so
takes a screen grab with the resolution at 72dpi To work on such files for
publication is the pigs ear = silk purse construction method. A somewhat
wierd halfway house is to when saving window set the size of the file to a
screen size much larger than your monitor, a mac studio could get some
improvement by increasing the resolution whilst reducing the image size.
One problem with the postscript option is that it can sometimes prove to be
a problem if special fonts, such as mapinfo symbols, are not availble on
the recipients computer, it is possible that providing the file as both
*.ps and *.eps can help. Acrobat PDF is rapidly becoming the design
industry's default file standard, and if you bought Acrobat (about
£sterling 140, I saw Adobe were selling the writer on special offer for
$usd 25) your pdf files can be opened directly in most adobe and
competitive graphics packages then manipulated prior to printing.

note via list to Mapinfo Corp

You have mentioned looking re-examine Mapinfo for the PowerMac, in the
meantime could the Mapinfo for PPC symbol library font set be made
available on the web site for free download so Mapinfo Professional users
with PC's can pass them onto print shops with Macs to do the very job you
have ( possibly correctly) said is best done outside of Mapinfo for so
long, it's benefit is a limited market, complements the use of your
software and you surely can't be losing any intellectual property with such
a pro user move.

madly mapping


>Can anyone tell me how best to export a map as a postscript file that can
>be e-mailed to a Mac?
>I have tried printing to a postscript printer as a PRN file and can view it
>in ghostscript but
>the Mac at the other end can't read it...   They want to import into
>Can anyone assist with a fool-proof (and preferably non-cost) method?

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