Dicj Hpskins wrote >>>>
The continuing saga of how to kill the Caps Lock key.

But there was ONE person - i just tossed  his/her email away as
frivolous - that, in the end, gave the quick, simple, and totally effective
solution. If that person will identify themselves with an address a fine WA
State health map will be yours.

      The solution?  yes guessed it. Take a thin blade knife and ... pry it off.

Reminds me of one of my favourite stories about technology,

When NASA wanted a pen to write in space, they spent a million dollars on developing 
the pen that wrote upside down 

Whereas the Russians just used a pencil....

And in the American sequel, the product was later immortalised in pop culture by 
Sienfeld - who made more money from the idea than NASA.

Robert Crossley
Trinity Software
10 Trinity Street
Parramatta Park
CAIRNS   4870

Phone: 61-7-40314877
Fax:     61-7-40314810
web: www.trinitysoftware.com.au

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