
        I noticed some strange behavior from MI when I display decimal value
in labels. My regional settings are set to display a comma as decimal
separator. So, in the browser, in MI, a distance value looks like 0,5. If I
label objects with decimal numeric value, the label will show as 0,5 only if
the expression is equal to a column title. If I use an expression such as
distance + " km" then 0,5 will show as 0.5 km. The comma is replace by a
dot. Why is this? I'm a little confused. Maybe someone could comment...


Yannick Leduc
Ministère des Transports
Direction de la Mauricie-Centre-du-Québec
Service des inventaires et du Plan

tél.: (819) 371-6606  #331
fax: (819) 371-6136

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