Dear Professor,

According to ArcInfo's use of the universe polygon, it represents the area 
beyond the outer boundary the user is studying. The universe polygon (also 
known as the external polygon) will not have a label and the User-ID will be 
zero (0). In a polygon attribute table (a .pat table in ArcInfo)the area of 
the universe polygon is given as the negative sum of all polygons in the 
coverage. In ArcInfo, records can be RESELECTed to perform calculations or 
analysis on all records other than the universe polygon record. Essentially, 
'selecting out' the universe polygon record and using all remaining records.

I hope others on the list will be able to provide more insight into the 
MapInfo utility and how the error message is addressed. Since ArcInfo uses 
topology to establish spatial relationships, is this (polygon)even required 
in MapInfo?


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