Dear Dyan

MapInfo transforms the vector layers using the registration points you
have given when you registered the image. It leaves the raster image as
it is.

It needs much more processing time to distort the raster image "on the
fly" than transform the vector "on the fly". With vector you only have
to transform the vertices. For Raster you would have to transform every

If you want to work the other way your best bet is to "correct" the
raster once "off the fly". It then does not matter how long this takes.
If you warp it so that scale on both axiis are the same and so that
right angles are right angles MapInfo will not need to transform vector
at all and performance will be tops.

ER Mapper have great products for Ortho Rectification. Obviously after
"correcting" your image you will need to re-register it. Just overwrite
the old tab file. I use the term correct as I would suggest as you ahve
it now is "warped".



In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Dyan Catamaran
>During the registering process what actually occurs does the image warps 
>to the base map or otherwise? I’ve been registering aerial photos with 
>known headings but after registering the raster is always upright but the 
>base map is now rotate into the heading angle?!  Any light here will be 
>Dyan C. Catamaran
>GIS/RS Depto. Coord.
>Phero Tech Inc.
>Forest Health Specialists
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