Hi Mappers,

I've got a small problem with MapInfo v5.5. Every time I start it up I get
the following error message:.....

(c:\program files\mapinfo\professional\mapinfow.mnu:1020) MapInfo database
driver failed to load.C:program 
files\mapinfo\professional\midloci.dll or dependent driver not found

I've de-installed/re-installed it several times but it still doesn't work.
The driver file is definately there but it just doesn't load.

I have to confess that I did load MI v4.1 (16 bit version) AFTER I loaded MI
v5.5 as I needed it to run a map data convertor program.


Nick Adnitt
Business Analyst - Southampton City Council
Tel: 02380 833092
Fax: 02380 833338

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