If anyone's interested we've (Bournemouth Borough Council (UK) ) just
released our first Internet based mapping using MapXtreme. 
I was wondering if anyone else in local govt. uses MapXtreme on the
internet, I've seen a few intranet demos (notably Adrian Gray's very
impressive Torbay Application).
Does anyone have any comments on general MapXtreme features such as the Java
Mapplet, the speed of delivery, ease of use, etc
Bournemouth Site - http://www.bournemouth.gov.uk
Direct Link -
(Best viewed with MS IE5)
Any comments please feel free to mail me

Tim Chinchen (GIS Systems Developer) 44 1202 454723
I.T. Services Bournemouth Borough Council

P.S. Ref:- Map Imagery, we currently use ERMapper's ECW as a standard for
our aerial imagery (one photo of 250mb (uncompressed TIFF) was compressed to
approx. 8mb with no major loss of definition - to view in MI we've load the
ECW file Handler (downloadable from www.ermapper.com))

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