Dear Mat, Tim, Tom and all,


Sorry you are right. It was a bit late when I sent that answer and I
wasn't thinking straight. Although Val() will strip of trailing text
leaving just the number that was at the front, it will only work when
the number is at the front!

I'll think a bit harder next time!



In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Mats Elfström
>"Bob Young -" wrote:
>> Dear Tim and Tom
>> Only snag with this approach is that "F1 Racer" and other strings with
>> numbers in will comme back too.
>> You could try where val(recString) > 0 as an alternative.
>Hi Bob!
>I believe that Val() only evaluates leading digits, and stops parsing
>the string on the first non-digit character.
>To use Val() you'd have to write code to parse the string first from pos
>1, then from pos 2 and so on until a number is found.
>And you would still lose the strings with more than one number.
>Regards, Mats.E

Bob Young -
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