The MapInfo MapX 4 Developer's Guide provide no explicit information about
how to build real-life InstallShield installers for MapX applications.  It
merely says on page 284 : +ACI-The InstallShield sample provided on the MapX
Installation CD only illustrates how to install the required  files+ACI-.

On the other hand the MapX 4 InstallShield sample does not illustrate how to
install such optional but vital files as the dataset drivers used for data
binding, the Import/Export raster handlers or Maps and Geosets.   The
readme.txt included with the InstallShield sample says +ACI-for more information
on what these files are and how to install files that are not illustrated in
this sample please see the MapX Developer's Guide+ACI-.

Catch 22?

I wish to use InstallShield to install the MapX ODBC Dataset Driver.

Page 288 of the Developer's Guide under the heading +ACI-Registering Files and
Installing Dataset Drivers+ACI- appears to state that five distinct operations
would be required to install OBDC support:

0. check that ODBC32.dll is pre-installed in the windows+AFw-system folder
1. copy mdatasetint.dll to the +AFw-MapX Common folder
2. run regtyplib +ADw-filespec of mdatasetint.dll +AD4-
3. copy MODBCDataset.dll to the +AFw-MapX Common folder
4. run regsvr32 /s +ADw-filespec of MODBCDataset.dll +AD4-

Despite the disclaimer quoted above the sample MapX 4 InstallShield
application actually includes a reference to the optional file
mdatasetint.dll in the InstallShield File Group named +ACI-Generic Data Driver
File Self Reg+ACI-.  This File Group has the property Self-Registered+AD0-Yes and
has the Destination +ADw-TARGETDIR+AD4APQBc-MapX Common .

Now InstallShield provides special functionality for installing
self-registering files. The preferred method for installing self-registering
files is to attach the Self Registered property to all of the files in a
file group.

Q1.  Does the InstallShield property Self-Registered+AD0-Yes automatically cause
InstallShield to perform  the appropriate Registry maintenance operations on
self-registering DLLs that would otherwise be performed by either regtyplib
or regsvr32, depending on the particular dll involved?

In other words, does the sample application, as released, performs both
steps 1 and 2 listed above, or would one have to enhance the script  with a
call to the LaunchApp() function of InstallShield to actually run
regtyplib.exe asynchronously? to satisfy step 2?

Q2.  Assuming that the answer to Q1 is +ACI-yes+ACI- then in order to enhance the
sample InstallShield application to complete the installation of ODBC
support, is it sufficient simply to include the additional file
MODBCDataset.dll in the InstallShield File Group named +ACI-Generic Data Driver
File Self Reg+ACI-?


David M Haycraft                   Phone/Fax:  61 +- 2 +- 6231 8104
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