Hi Jim!

I'm not sure I understand your question.  Are you trying to thematiccally code points with a range of values?   Or are you trying to thematically code (what kind of object?) with individual point values?  For example,
if you are doing: thematically code points with a range of values
Each little point on the map would have a different color or style based on where it falls in the range of values  1-10 would be red, 11 - 20 would be pink, etc.

if you are doing: thematically code (what kind of object?) with individual point values?
Each object (region, point, line) would have a different color or style based on its individual value, ie: 1 would be red, 2 would be pink, 3 would be orange etc.

The template can definately be built to do either one of those things.... which is it?, or is it different from this?

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