
I'm sorry if I'm not writing to the right place but I discovered a link to
this site on MapInfo's web site. Please ignore this mail if I'm in error. I
was hoping that you may be able to help me with a problem I'm having with
MapInfo. I've searched MapInfo's KB for a solution to no avail. I'm
developing a small application with Visual Basic and MapX (3.x) in which I
have to add a layer with some labelled features on it. I've managed to add
the (temporary) layer and the features to it but I cant figure out how to
label the features. The source of my data is an access database table with
fields; ID, Latitude, Longitude, and FeatureDescription. I first added the
layer using the CreateLayer method and added the features by looping through
the following procedure as many times as there was records in the table

Private Sub AddPoint(dblLatitude As Double, dblLongitude As Double,
lyrCurrentLayer As MapXLib.Layer)

        Dim fNewSymbol As New MapXLib.Feature
        Dim fMapSymbol As MapXLib.Feature

        fNewSymbol.Attach Map1
        fNewSymbol.Type = miFeatureTypeSymbol
        fNewSymbol.Style = Map1.DefaultStyle
        fNewSymbol.Point.Set dblLongitude, dblLatitude
        Set fMapSymbol = lyrCurrentLayer.AddFeature(fNewSymbol)
End Sub

However, I'm at a loss as how to label these features with its Description
(4 letter abbv.). If you can help in anyway or know of anybody that would be
able to, it would be greatly appreciated.

Many thanks,

Philip Place

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