What you may do is:
Add 10  fields to planning district that stores the total number of clients
in each program. Now you can create a pie chart or bar chart to show the
numbers for each zone in each program.
Rajeev saraf
-----Original Message-----
From: W. Kent Treichel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Mapinfo List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Friday, December 24, 1999 5:22 AM
Subject: MI Dot Density custom symbols

>Merry Christmas!
>I am trying to make a map.  I have about 8000 addresses that I have
>geocoded in St. Paul, MN.  Most of them are clustered in certain parts
>of the city.  My boss wants one, and only one, map that shows where the
>clients live what type of program they are involved in and where the
>programs are located in the city.  There are approximately 70 programs.
>I tried individual values but the map is not legible.  Even if I
>collapse the programs down to 10 with ten corresponding symbols that are
>legible, the addresses are so close together in certain areas that the
>symbols would be illegible.  (If I had a large format plotter, this
>might not be a problem, but the best I can do is 11x17.)  I liked the
>look of the dot density maps.  It provided a good graphical shot of what
>part of the city our clients come from.  Now the question.  How can I
>combine the best of individual value with the dispersed representation
>of dot density?  And as long as I'm asking for the moon, how can I
>ensure that they don't overlap with each other?
>The final product would look something like this; a map of the city with
>planning districts (17), within each planning district a certain number
>of circles, squares, stars etc, representing the corresponding number of
>clients in a particular program.
>Negative responses appreciated as well, so I can start trying to figure
>out a different strategy.
>Respectfully submitted,
>W. Kent Treichel
>Wilder Research Center
>1295 Bandana Blvd N. Suite 210
>St. Paul, MN  55108
>(651) 647-4636
>We sleep safely in our beds because
>rough men stand ready in the night
>to visit violence on those
>who would do us harm.
>George Orwell
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