Hi Nick,

The calculation of volumens can be done in VM !

Do the following:
1. Create the grid with all your height data
2. Create another grid that covers the same area as the previos. This
grid's values should be
Z-value where you want the surface to be. Groundlevel or watersurface...
3. Now you'll have to calculate the diffence between these two grid, use
the grid calculator.
4. Allmost last thing. Draw a area that show the area you would like to
have the volumen calculated for.
5. VM has some tools where you can get updated columns with some values
from the grid. One of these
should give you the possibility to update with the volumen.

I hope this helps you further even thought my desciption is a bit
'inaccuracy'. My VM was removed from
my computer when I uninstalled a older version of MapInfo.

Happe new year to you all !

Peter Moller        [EMAIL PROTECTED]
GIS-Developer       Direct: +45 6313 5008
Kampsax Geoplan     Voice: +45 6313 5013
Rugårdsvej 55       Faximile: +45 6313 5090
DK 5000 Odense C    Web: www.mapinfo.dk
MapInfo Authorized Partner

Nick wrote:
I don't know if this question has been raised recently (I think it has in
the past...?) but does anyone know a MI based app that can calculate
volumes.  I.e. from X,Y and Z data - the way you think Vertical Mapper
could but doesn't.  A client has VM but wants volume calculations without
involving an export to a CAD system.

Any ideas??

Happy Xmas and Merry Millennium

Nick Hall

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