
I noticed the other answers you have received on the list 
so far, and they are correct to a point.  Within the 
apparent context of your question about a projection found 
in an atlas, you have your answer.

However, in 19th century Europe and early to middle 20th 
century Middle East (and most French colonies), the Bonne 
Projection means something quite different.  When working 
with Geodetic Grid systems it is an ellipsoidal 
implementation that is NOT the same as using the spherical 
equations.  Geographers will occasionally use ellipsoidal 
Authalic latitude in thematic applications with the 
spherical equations.  (See the late Prof. Karl Rinner in 
"Zeitschritt der Vermessungswessen," back in 1932 - I 
forgot which issue.)

The February, 2000 issue of "Photogrammetric Engineering 
and Remote Sensing" will feature my column on Grids and 
Datums for the Republic of Madagascar.  In that, I discuss 
the Bonne projection as used in Madagascar and why General 
Jean Laborde hated it for geodetic work.  You can find 
other countries in past issues of my column at:


If MI supports it, I would expect it to be the thematic 
spherical implementation and NOT the special ellipsoidal 
power series once used for geodetic National Grid systems.

Clifford J. Mugnier ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
The Topographic Engineering Laboratory
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
New Orleans, Louisiana  70148

Voice and Facsimilie: (504) 280-7095

Clifford J. Mugnier ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
The Topographic Engineering Laboratory
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
New Orleans, Louisiana  70148

Voice and Facsimilie: (504) 280-7095
On Sunday, 16 January, 2000 10:29 AM, Dr Rajeev saraf 
> Hi:
> has any body heard of bonne projection. i came across it
> in  an atlas. does mi support it. if so, which option in
> projection file would do it.
> --
> rajeev saraf
>  << File: ATT00032.html >> 
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