
A clent sent us is a file in both format (.e00 and .shp). It's the same 
file. To convert the file, i used ARCLINK for the e00 format and UNIVERSAL 
TRANSLATOR for the .shp. Both trys failed. The messages in the log file were 
the followings:

For e00:

section EXP - ignore
section ARC found - processing .....
    NULL character(s) found in export file.
    Transforming NULLS to spaces.
    Results of translation may not be correct.
   Bad Export file.
    Arc/Info Export file is not in expected format.
    Unexpected EOF found in export file
    Error reading export file block ARC, block #128
Error converting of Arc/Info export file h:\...

and the following for the shp file:

Read operation failed while reading shape record content.Failed reading 
record number 879757410
ShapeType found is '1219853656'. ShapeType expected is '5'
Read operation failed while reading shape record content.Failed reading 
record number 879757410
ShapeType found is '1219853656'. ShapeType expected is '5'
Rejected 1 feature(s) destined for MapInfo file 
Converted 6 feature(s) with no geometry into MapInfo `NONE' features in 
MapInfo file H:\Base_geographique\Affectation\foret\PQ2000\pq2000.tab
Read operation failed while reading shape record content.Failed reading 
record number 879757410
ShapeType found is '1219853656'. ShapeType expected is '5'
FME Session Duration: 2.5 seconds

Read operation failed while reading shape record content.Failed reading 
record number 879757410
ShapeType found is '1219853656'. ShapeType expected is '5'
Program Terminating

Translation FAILED.

My question is: Could somebody tell me exactly what does it mean. Is it the 
client file that is not good or is the problemm on my side. Thanks

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