I dont know the answer, but I have been using grids generated by
crimestat (available thru crime mapping research center).  The program
generates ascii grids that are readable by both arcview and vertical

Richard Block
Department of Sociology
Loyola University
6525 N. Sheridan Rd.
Chicago IL 60626

773 508 3454
FAX 773 508 7099

>>> Declan Troy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 02/07 4:53 PM >>>

If anyone has hints about the opposite opperation, getting from Arc
files to MI/Vertical Mapper I'd like to hear about it. I've tried
converting the ArcGrid to ASCII Grid but VM chokes. The good folks
Northwood Geo have been trying to figure out why but after months no
success. Anyone have any other suggestions to make this sort of


Declan Troy
Anchorage, Alaska

>Hi Listers.
>Do any of you know of a way of translating a vertical mapper GRD
file to
an ESRI GRID file without using vertical mapper?

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