Hello list, for those of you interested in the lastest global topo
mapping mission being conducted by NASA
SpatialNews.com will be running Exclusive Shuttle Radar Topography
Mission Updates commencing today.
Check in with SpatialNews as the SRTM mission starts collecting data for
the most aggressive mission ever to map the Earth. We'll have an
exclusive look at the mission after the boom's deployed  and the shuttle
crew starts its ten days of mapping the world and a first peek at what
the worldwide map will look like. Features will be provided by a full-
time aerospace writer - with over 15 years of experience - covering
the space shuttle and other aspects of the space program.

The SpatialNews SRTM WebSite can be found at

Have a nice week-end

FYI-if anyone is interested in watching future shuttle or other launches
I would recommend you don't waste you time watching CNN or other cable
news networks. For the best quality coverage tune into NASATV
http://www.nasa.gov/ntv/breaking.html it's pretty cool!

 Glenn Letham, Editor
 The GeoCommunity

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