for what it's worth, i use mi 4.0.2 and NT 4 with sp4

i have never had mapinfo crash.

bob rogers
john wall and associates
anderson, south carolina

> Same thing happened to me last week, twice, when zooming 
> too...Unsure what caused it , and it hasn't happened since but 
> since then I am having lots of problems with MapInfo just dropping 
> out on me... See attached for error message!
> Dave
> On 23 Feb 00, at 21:03, Steve McArthur wrote:
> Every so often I have a problem with a table causing NT to completely
> crash.  I'm suddenly booted out into a blue dos-like screen listing DLL
> files and windows kernel files and a message saying something about
> memory dump which updates to say memory dump complete.  There doesn't
> seem to be any logic to what table causes this, other than when I have
> identified what table is causing the problem packing that table seems to
> solve it.
> This crash never happens when doing any sort of intensive work, usually
> just zooming in will cause it.  No other application will cause this
> event and the crash will occur every time until the offending table is
> packed.
> I'm running the latest version of NT with service pack 5.
> I'm running MI 5.5 and have had this problem under version 5, but have
> not seen it under windows 95 or 98.
> I'd be interested if anyone else has come across this phenomenon and if
> they found a cause/solution.
> Thanks

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