Hi Mustaffa!

I posted this message on MapInfo-L last year.
The comments are in my language, but I
hope it will help.
You need 2 tables. One with polyline and
one with vertexes.
I've put some english comment belov in the code.

If you'll use my code, metion me in your

Best wishes,

  Jure Ravnik

Ecological Engineering Institute
Ljubljanska 9
2000 Maribor
Tel:+ 386 62 300 48 11
Fax:+ 386 62 300 48 35

-----Izvorno sporočilo-----
Od:     Jure Ravnik [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Poslano:        1. april 1999 7:41
Zadeva: MI MB Shortest Path

Hi Tyson and the List,

Here's the VB5.0 and MAPX solution of the shortest path
It's my first VB program, so its very simple and slow. But it
works fine.

The sub to call is MinLenTree(beginning vertex, end vertex).
The program selects the solution and displays the results
in a another form. 

If you just need a algorithm, study the sub MinLentree from
the label zacetek: to the if that has goto zacetek.

I had to write this in a hurry so the algorithm that  I came up with 
is the simplest you can think of. I'm sure that better ones can be
found in books. 
I can suggest : 
GRAPHENTEORIE mit Algoritmen und Anwendungen
Author : Hartmut Noltemeier
Publisher : Walter de Gruyter
Date : Berlin, New York, 1976


Jure Ravnik
Ecological Engineering Institute

Option Explicit
Const CUSTOM_INFO_TOOL As Integer = 5
    Dim ds As MapXLib.Dataset
    Dim dsvozli As MapXLib.Dataset
    Dim fld As MapXLib.Field
 Public l As Object 'Layer
 Public lvozli As Object
 Public f As Object  'Feature
 Public fvozli1 As Object
 Public fvozli2 As Object

Private Sub form_load()
 'odprem mapinfo tabelo
 Set l = Map1.Layers.Add("your paths table(polylines)")
 Set ds = Map1.Datasets.Add(miDataSetLayer, l)

'The ds dataset should include a column "dolzina" that has a length od the polyline,
'"odvozla" that has a integer number of the beginnig vertex and "dovozla" that has
'an integer number of the end vertex

 ' odprem vozle
 Set lvozli = Map1.Layers.Add("table of point vertex (first and last points of 
 Set dsvozli = Map1.Datasets.Add(miDataSetLayer, lvozli, "vozli")
 ' nastavim labeliranje
 Set lvozli.LabelProperties.Dataset = dsvozli
 Set lvozli.LabelProperties.DataField = dsvozli.Fields("vozelid")
 lvozli.LabelProperties.Offset = 8
 lvozli.AutoLabel = True

 Dim fvozli As MapXLib.Feature

End Sub

Public Function dol(odv As Integer, dov As Integer)
Dim i As Integer
For i = 1 To ds.RowCount
 If ds(i, "odvozla") = odv And ds(i, "dovozla") = dov Then
 dol = ds(i, "dolzina")
 End If

End Function

Public Function voz2pov(odv As Integer, dov As Integer)
Dim i As Integer
voz2pov = -1
For i = 1 To ds.RowCount
 If ds(i, "odvozla") = odv And ds(i, "dovozla") = dov Then
 voz2pov = i
 End If

End Function

Public Function vozpovmat(i As Integer, j As Integer)
' matrika naj bo oblike p1 p2 p3 p4 ...
'                    v1
'                    v2
' vrne + ce je i ta povezava usmerjena v j to vozlisce
' vrne - ce je i ta povezava usmerjena stran od j tega vozlisca
' vrne 0 ce i ta povezava ne dostopa do j tega vozlisca
' i gre po povezavah, j po vozlih
vozpovmat = 0
If ds(i, "odvozla") = j Then
   vozpovmat = -1
   End If
If ds(i, "dovozla") = j Then
   vozpovmat = 1
   End If
End Function

Public Sub minlentree(zacvoz As Integer, konvoz As Integer)

formMinDre.MousePointer = vbHourglass

Dim drevo As Variant
Dim drevesa As Variant
Dim resitev As Variant
Dim dolzina As Variant
Dim i As Integer
Dim j As Integer
Dim k As Integer
Dim ii As Integer
Dim tmp As Integer
Dim tmp1 As Integer
Dim konec As Boolean
Dim neses As Integer
Dim stresitev As Integer
Dim najkrajsa As Integer
Dim dolmin As Double
Dim stdreves As Integer
Dim istodrevo As Boolean
Dim povezavaobs As Boolean
Dim nv As String

'Dim zadnja As Boolean
Dim zacetek As Label

'Form1.MousePointer = vbHourglass

resitev = Array(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
dolzina = Array(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
drevo = Array(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
drevesa = Array(drevo, drevo, drevo, drevo, drevo, drevo, drevo, drevo, drevo, drevo, 
drevo, drevo, drevo, drevo, drevo, drevo)

j = 1
drevesa(j)(1) = 1
drevesa(j)(2) = zacvoz

stdreves = 1
istodrevo = True
'zadnja = False
neses = 0
'Debug.Print vozpovmat(1, 1)

neses = neses + 1
' do katerih vozlov tece

povezavaobs = False
If drevesa(j)(1) > 0 Then
tmp = drevesa(j)(drevesa(j)(1) + 1)
istodrevo = True
For i = 1 To ds.RowCount
  If vozpovmat(i, tmp) = -1 Then
    ' ce sem tu not je i vozlisce s katerim je povezava
    povezavaobs = True
    If istodrevo Then
       drevesa(j)(1) = drevesa(j)(1) + 1
       drevesa(j)(drevesa(j)(1) + 1) = ds(i, "dovozla")
       istodrevo = False
       'zadnja = True
       ' tu naredim novo drevo
       'zadnja = False
       stdreves = stdreves + 1
       ' prepisem staro
       For ii = 1 To drevesa(j)(1)
       drevesa(stdreves)(ii) = drevesa(j)(ii)
       drevesa(stdreves)(drevesa(stdreves)(1) + 1) = ds(i, "dovozla")
       End If 'istodrevo
  End If 'matrika
Next 'i

End If ' drevo se ni reseno oziroma izpeljano do konca

' tu imam nekaj novih dreves
' ali smo prisli kje do konca?
For k = 1 To stdreves
If drevesa(k)(1) > 0 Then
 If drevesa(k)(drevesa(k)(1) + 1) = konvoz Then
 stresitev = stresitev + 1
 resitev(stresitev) = k
 drevesa(k)(1) = -drevesa(k)(1)
 istodrevo = True
 If k = j Then
    j = j + 1
    povezavaobs = True ' da ga naslednji if ne poveca se enkrat
    End If 'k=j
 End If 'eureka
End If
Next 'k

' samo ena povezava
'If zadnja = True Then
' j = j + 1
' istodrevo = True
' End If

If povezavaobs = False Then
' prisli smo do konca drevesa
If drevesa(j)(1) > 0 Then drevesa(j)(1) = 0

If j < stdreves Then
   j = j + 1
   istodrevo = True
   End If
End If

' ali so vsa drevesa izpeljana do konca
konec = True
For k = 1 To stdreves
 If drevesa(k)(1) > 0 Then
    konec = False
    End If
'Debug.Print stdreves, j, drevesa(j)(1)
If neses > 50 Then konec = True

If konec = False Then GoTo zacetek

'izracunaj dolzine resitev
For k = 1 To stresitev
For i = 2 To -drevesa(resitev(k))(1)
  tmp = drevesa(resitev(k))(i)
  tmp1 = drevesa(resitev(k))(i + 1)
  dolzina(k) = dolzina(k) + dol(tmp, tmp1)

' izberi najkrajso resitev
dolmin = 1000000
najkrajsa = 0
For k = 1 To stresitev
If dolzina(k) < dolmin Then
 dolmin = dolzina(k)
 najkrajsa = k
 End If

' selectiraj najkrajso
'For k = 1 To stresitev
For i = 2 To -drevesa(resitev(najkrajsa))(1)
  tmp = drevesa(resitev(najkrajsa))(i)
  tmp1 = drevesa(resitev(najkrajsa))(i + 1)
  l.Selection.SelectByID voz2pov(tmp, tmp1), miSelectionAppend

nv = Chr(13) + Chr(10)
'Debug.Print "Stevilo resitev", stresitev, "najk", najkrajsa
formrepmintree.Text1 = "Stevilo resitev=" + Str(stresitev) + nv + "Najkrajša=" + 
For k = 1 To stresitev
'Debug.Print "-" + "resitev :", k, "dolzina", dolzina(k)
formrepmintree.Text1 = formrepmintree.Text1 + nv + nv + "Resitev :" + Str(k) + nv + 
"Dolzina=" + Str(dolzina(k)) + " m." + nv
For i = 2 To -drevesa(resitev(k))(1) + 1
'Debug.Print drevesa(resitev(k))(i)
formrepmintree.Text1 = formrepmintree.Text1 + Str(drevesa(resitev(k))(i))

formMinDre.MousePointer = vbDefault

formrepmintree.Caption = "Rezultati izračuna minimalnega drevesa"
formrepmintree.Show vbModal

End Sub
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