The question:

I am looking for a utility that creates buffers with square ends rather than
round.  Any ideas?

The replies:

1. A rather curt, but much to the point answer was to use Create Rect
statement; would work fine for lines, but be rather cumbersome with
polylines (I cannot find who this answer was coming from; thanks anyway).

2. Stuart Cox was very generous with discussion of concepts on how to
program a MapBasic application that would create such buffers.  Thanks
Stuart; your ideas might be helpful and applicable to an other project I am
currently working on.

3. Jacques Paris (who else!) has an utility, called HALFBUFFER, that does
exactly what is asked for: half-buffers with square ends.  The desired
result can be achieved by creating two half-buffers (one on either side of
the polyline) and combining them thereafter.

4. François Bergeron provided sample code from one of his applications.

Problem solved.

My grateful thanks.


Claude Lavoie
Service du soutien à la clientèle
Direction des technologies de l'information
Ministère des Transports du Québec
35, rue de Port-Royal Est, salle 5.00 a
Montréal (Québec)
H3L 3T1

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