As i know you have to increase your raster image resolution at leat 1 m 
resoltion if u r using UTM, Lambert or other projection systems im sure u 
dont have any problem with lan/lon system :)

Have nice Day

Mapper Man

>From: "laurent Frilleux" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: MI problem with raster image
>Date: Thu, 16 Mar 2000 16:28:49 -0000
>I have a problem for digitalizing roads.
>I have a big satellite image (7500*7500 pixels) with 4 points and error 
>pixel is 0.
>When i digitalize, i have no problem, but when i change the zoom level, 
>polylines are moving definitively and i i qo back to the initial zoom 
>level, they are not at the rigth place.
>I have try to add some points, it's better but the problem still exist
>I have change the projection , no change
>i am trying to split the image in severals..
>I have reduced the bounds in the table, it's bettre but the problem still 
>thanks in advance
>Laurent frilleux

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