Hello list,
If you can't attend GITA next week we'll be running news and
interviews for you from the conference floor in Denver.
If you are attending we'll help get your news out and maybe meet up with

you - be sure and stop by and get one of our  new GeoCommunity T-shirts!

We're gearing up for our trip to the GITA Conference in Denver next week

and are prepared to follow up with daily coverage including news,
interviews, images and ... The  GITA coverage is now available for
viewing at

So far you'll find:
- News Releases
- Words from Exhibitors on what's being featured
- List Prizes and give-aways - evrybody wants the freebies!
- Daily News and interviews from the floor (coming next Mon, Tues, Wed,

Hope to see ya there, if not we hope you enjoy the daily updates.


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