I have a tool that creates seamless, collar stripped GeoTIFFs from DRGs but
only in UTM or State Plane Projection.  I have a huge map set all in Lat/
Long NAD83.  Anybody know how to change the coordinate system one the file
is "coordinated"?

Matt Fowler
Solid Earth, Inc.
109-B North Jefferson Street
Huntsville, AL  35801
(256) 536-0606

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Rich Shepard
Sent: Wednesday, February 23, 2000 4:15 PM
Subject: Re: [Fwd: MI Blue Screen of Death]

On Wed, 23 Feb 2000, Bill Thoen wrote:

>From MapInfo-L... the dicussion turns to Linux

    [ Part 2: "Included Message" ]

Date: Wed, 23 Feb 2000 11:04:00 -0800
From: Erick Posner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: MI Blue Screen of Death


I have seen MI on Unix system, but I haven't seen MI on Linux.


I'm a relative newbie to the MapInfo-L : I'm sure there has been prior
discussion on Linux.  Still, I'm curious if there are any MI--Linux voices
or initiatives
out there????

Jon Cox

Hi, folks!

  Bill kindly forwarded this message to me. For the past two years I've run
my businee almost exclusively with linux-based software; since last summer I
no longer have a windows partition on my hard drives. But, I'm still (for a
few more months, anyway) using MapInfo-4.5.2 on many of our projects.

  I do this with a great product called VMWare <http://www.vmware.com>. I've
been a beta tester for them and they are one of the few commercial software
vendors to whom I gladly pay money. They put out a superb product!

  What I now have is a 2 G file on its own partition. In that file is a
complete, virtual win98 machine along with MI-4.5.2, my GPS software and all
the spatial data. This virtual machine is a host on our network and
communicates with the linux side, the printers, the cdrom drives and the
floppy drive via a tool called Samba. Samba implements the M$ SMB network
messaging in a linux/UNIX environment. Easy to set up and works like a

  When I want to use MI, I open a new window in X (the X Window System) in
which is running vmware. I "power on" the guest OS (in my case, win98; in my
associate's case, winNT) and up it comes. I can expand the window to full
screen and work just like I was on a "real" windows box. Since last summer,
I think that MI/win98 has locked on me perhaps a half-dozen times; I can't
recall seeing a BSOD once. Wait, ... I think that did appear once when win98
was booting. I just recycled the virtual machine and off we went.

  The new version 2 of vmware is either shipping now or just about to. I'm
still using 1.1.2, and may not upgrade despite the slowness of MI. I'm just
starting to seriously migrate all our GIS to GRASS; when that's done, the
only win app I'll have left is the GPS (and they tell me they'll be putting
out a linux port Real Soon Now.)

  So, does it work? You bet! It works very well. And I don't mind the
slowness at all because I just shrink that window and go on to do other work
while MI's plodding along.

  BTW, if anyone's looking for a high quaility B-size printer for use with
MI, I'll strongly recommend the HP-2500C. I've been using it for many months
now, and it does a terriffic job! I've used scanned aerial photos as
underlays on the MI maps, and printed them on high-gloss paper. The results
make you turn the sheet over to see if the "Kodak" logo is on the reverse.
This printer handles up to 13" x 19" paper and has a very high "wow!" factor
in its output.

Cheers, all!


Dr. Richard B. Shepard, President

                       Applied Ecosystem Services, Inc. (TM)
              Making environmentally-responsible mining happen. (SM)
            2404 SW 22nd Street | Troutdale, OR 97060-1247 | U.S.A.
 + 1 503-667-4517 (voice) | + 1 503-667-8863 (fax) |

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