I am seeking information and help on running Geographic Tracker 3 - has anyone got this program to work satisfactorily?  Is there any sort of tutorial available?  I am running MapInfo 4.5 and a Garmin GPS12.
I understand the GTracker can link to a GPS and record positions in real time.   Can it be configured to just record waypoints as they are recorded by the user on the GPS?  
Can GTracker also be used to plot positions that have been previously recorded by a GPS?   For instance, the Garmin records waypoints in a file *.wpt but GTracker looks for files *.gps when attempting to use a simulated GPS file.
GTracker has installed with a root folder Geographic Tracker and this holds the file Geotrack.exe.  There are also 2 subfolders, created at installation:  "gps_files" and "MapInfo"; the "MapInfo" sub-folder holds the files Geotrack.mbx and Makegps.mbx.  When I attempt to run Geotrack.mbx, from "Run Mapbasic Program"  within MapInfo, I get error message 1: "Could not find Geotrack.exe.  Please find Geotrack.Exe and select Connect from its Options menu".  When I find and start Geotrack.exe I get message 2: "Please make sure the Geotrack.mbx is active before establishing a connection."  If I then load Geotrack.mbx I get error message 1 again! - presumably I could keep going around in circles forever.  Is the program installed correctly?
I have been unable to get any response from Blue Marble to other queries I have raised in my attempts to run GTracker, but before I ditch the idea of using this program there may be others who have used it successfully.
Thanks in advance for any help,
John Elliot
Bathurst, NSW, Australia

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