        I don't know anything about the pixshow program that you downloaded, but I 
have implemented the same thing by doing the following.

1)      Create a new field in the property info table to store the file path of the 
image. eg "c:\temp\imagename.tif"
2)      Create a MapBasic application that, when the user clicks on the property, it 
calls a procedure that contains the line:-

a)      run application ProgramName + " " + Imagepath


b)      i)Open the image into MapInfo using the Open Table command.
        ii)Create a dummy registration of the image.
        iii)Display the image (Table) in a new map window.

If you have any trouble understanding this, please feel free to give me a call (I just 
work down the road from you...kind-da).

Paul Grambauer
Cessnock City Council
PO Box 152,
68-72 Vincent St,
Cessnock, 2325
Phone : +61 02 49934192
Fax : +61 02 49934200

From:   Anthony Greenhalgh[SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent:   Tuesday, April 11, 2000 12:10 PM
To:     Mapinfo-L (E-mail)
Subject:        MI Pixshow linking

<<File: ATT00046.html>>
Hi Mappers,

Just wondering how one might link the pixshow tool (downloaded from
Mapinfo site) to my property info table.

eg first column of property table:

PIN             Address etc...
012345          123 link Rd     etc...

Images are in tiff format.  How are these meant to be stored in a

What does an image lookup table look like and how do I run/bring it
all together?

I'm all questions!



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