Hi Tony and others,

I've created such a function to test whether a table is open or not and it
like this:

'Is table szTab open ? function
Function TableOpen(ByVal szTab As String) As Logical

Dim i As Integer

TableOpen = False

OnError GoTo NoSuchTable

     '**Need to check if the table asked for is the current Selection...
     If szTab = "Selection" Then
          If SelectionInfo(SEL_INFO_NROWS) = 0 Then
               Exit Function
          End If
     End If

     i = TableInfo(szTab,TAB_INFO_NUM)

     '*** Success, the table was open...
     TableOpen = TRUE

OnError GoTo 0

Exit Function

'***The table isn't open, an error occured ...

End Function

This has worked so far for me !

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