I've been on this list for 5 years now, and maybe the flaming was getting a
bit too personal, but I rather have enjoyed the occasional departures from
the "My printer is giving me this error".

An international slugging match involving an assortment of views from an
obviously well informed military analyst who has been there, an assorted
bunch of US citizens with the full range of views      is certainly better
than the local paper (which concentrates on which world leader is coming for
a visit or what to do about dive operators leaving tourists out on the

Robert Crossley
Wild Lime
Suite 1, 169 Newell St
Ph: 61-7-40337644

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Bill Thoen
Sent: Thursday, May 04, 2000 4:53 AM
Subject: MI ENOUGH! (was Wide open GPS - no more SA...)

Dimitri Rotow wrote:
> No problem! The original posting by Bill Thoen (on SA and GPS, not a
> specific topic) was cross-posted to MapInfo-L, so that's where the replies
> also went.  I don't subscribe to MapInfo-L, so I supposed if Bill Thoen
> started a thread in your list on this subject and others from your List
> continued it was OK by your List interests.  - I stand corrected.

This is a classic case of a thread wandering from "off-topic but
relevant" to "polemic and irrelevant." News about turning off SA
isn't strictly a MapInfo topic, but I felt that it's REAL NEWS to
anyone who uses any GIS/mapping software and GPS, so I also
crossposted to MapInfo-L. Using that original message as a base
to launch a missive calling the US government criminal is really
stretching it, IMHO, but what the heck... here it's still a free
country. Besides, we haven't had a good flame war for ages, so
thanks for the entertainment, but don't use me a shield to defend
your actions.

On the other side I think that the argument that a subject should
be banned just because it is off-topic is weak justification at
best. What one usually wants to say when one uses that argument
is, "You have your head so far up your butt your alimentary canal
looks like a Klein bottle. So get lost; you're out of order."
Rules have their place, but reason makes a better argument.

Lighten up, folks! Or fight back with wit and a sense of humor.
(not that I haven't been known to boil up into an incoherent
purple thunderhead on occasion, grumbling invectives and hurling
epithets like lightning... but you know what I mean.)

- Bill Thoen
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