Hi Simon

I have 3 ideers for your problem

1: get the number of reccords in the layout before you start to add text,
you can then delete evrything with a rowid > startnumber og reccords

    Select * from LayoutTable where RowId > StartNumber
    Delete From Selection

2: dont use the same layout but use a template (with loge etc) and then
create a new layout for all the reccords

3: try using a subslect

    Select * from LayoutTab where Str$(obj) = "text"
    Select * from Selection where ObjectInfo(obj, obj_info_textstring)
not in ("MyTitle", "MyText nr 1", "blabla")
    Delete from selection

Hope this help

Peter Laulund
National Survey and Cadastre, Denmark

Simon W Fox <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> - 2000 05 05 12:36:22

cc:      (bcc: Peter Laulund/MI/KMS)
Vedrørende:    MI Selecting text items from a layout


I am trying to create a mapbasic tool which will automatically create a
series of layouts, each based on a unique record in a mappable table.

The tool will pull the record's information from the table and create text
items upon the layout for each field within the original table. It will
save and print the layout.

I have been able to do all this so far.

I now need to clear the layout of these text items and loop round and start
again, therefore my question is:

 'Does anybody know how to make a selection from the layout, but only
selecting the objects you wish, ie. not selecting logos, titles, title
boxes. etc?'

Please help if you know of a way to do this.


Simon Fox
Rivers and Coastal Section
WS Atkins Consultants Ltd
Tel. 01925 622029
Fax. 01925 622054

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