
Your contribution to the debate on the future direction of Mapinfo is
certainly an interesting view of the macro-environment in which all
computer software resides.  I can only agree that the desktop software of
today will be superceded by the internet-aware products of the future.

Wherever the software resides, it should still do what the users need, as
quickly and efficiently as possible. High-level discussions of company
policy are all very well, but the guys (like me) drafting maps from dawn
'til dusk are the ones who are faced with the time-consuming work-arounds,
and the won't-work-at-alls.

If drafting presentation-quality maps is a slow, cumbersome process,  if
it's difficult to output them in the format required (how many users can
generate a fully-functioning EPS file - I can't), if  WYSI - not-WYG, if
what is considered to be core-functionality in other mapping/drafting
packages is posted missing, then all that will happen in the internet age
is that cartographers will use other forms of software that will.

Focus not just on making products internet-compatible, but making sure that
in the more competitive situation that will develop over the next few
years, Mapinfo remains the software users will chose to work with.  In this
day and age, people expect improved functionality with each upgrade.
In this regard, Mapinfo just isn't delivering.


Brian Forrester

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Personal rant follows:

Does Mapinfo v.6 allow the status-bar to report deg.min'sec" rather than
decimal degrees?  Can I input/read-off locations using deg.min'sec" when
double-clicking on an object? - How much programming time would be involved
in that simple change which would make a significant difference to the
amount of time it takes me to do my job - almost all coordinate information
that I get comes in deg.min'sec" format - I live with a scientific
calculator by my tablet for just this purpose.

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