I'm in the process of recieving a Compaq AP500 workstation that has NT 4.0.
There was a problem when loading IE 5.0 which created a memory dump and gave
us the Blue-screen blues.  NT 4.0 will have to be loaded again, but there is
a possibility we can load 2000, since we have a copy.  

Has anyone used this OS for there mapping projects/data processing and have
had good results?  I have licenses for MapInfo 5.5, ArcView 3.2 and ArcPress
for ArcView 2.0.  I am looking for a smooth migration from 95 to 2000/NT.


Todd McNeil
GIS Specialist
Aeronautical Radio, Inc.
Technology Support & Services
2551 Riva Road
Annapolis, MD 21401
P: 410.266.2302
F: 410.266.4010
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