Good morning, all :

Maybe this one has come up before, but I've scanned through the last several
thousand MI messages to find some reference to the problem without success.
So here goes:

I have many tables of petroleum wells which were defined as point objects
using the standard Lat/Long NAD 27 for Canada projection without bounds.
They were created in the table with 6 decimals of accuracy (ie. x/y
of -114.234678 54.943219).  When I double-click on a well in a given map,
the dialogue displays the same 6 decimals of accuracy.

However, when I call ObjectGeography(Obj,1) or ObjectGeography(Obj,2) or
CentroidX(Obj) or CentroidY(Obj), I receive only 3 decimals of accuracy on
longitudes, and 4 decimals of accuracy on latitudes.

Can anyone explain why ObjectGeography / Centroidx don't return the same
number of decimals as originally defined ?  Is there a workaround to this ?
I've poked through the system settings, played around with bounds on the
coordsys, and I've yet to come up with anything which will change the
behaviour of these function calls.

Any assistance will be gratefully received.


Mike Haden
Software Developer
Sterne Stackhouse Inc.

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