Hi there folks,

I seen to have a similar problem than Véronoque, and I am surprised that
such a simple topographers approach has on first sight  not been considered
worthy enough by the MInfo developers.

Here is the situation:

Given a flat  table (ie. excel) or text file representing all the nodes of
a polygon (region) organised in columns X1,Y1,X2,Y2
How do you go about to create the corresponding polygon in Mapinfo.

The only available procedures as far as I know are:
1/ create directly the regions by entering all the points with the
digitiser or mouse==>
    very tedious and imprecise if you only have the numeric values and no
map representation to digitise
2/ make a mappeable table by create point objects from the first set of x,y
values; then from the second , etc... until you covered all the nodes. Then
create a region by manually digitising all linesegments on screen by
snapping to each point.===>
     more precise than 1/ but also very tedious.
Imagine doing this for 500 regions!!!

In fact I (and it seems also V. Vestri) am looking for an application that
will allow to
1. either inport (or link to the file with) the points and automatically
create polygons
2. create a polygon or region by manually entering the respective nodes X,Y
values THROUGH THE KEYBOARD (typing the X,Y values).

I found and mbx along the line of 2. but instead of entering X,Y values,
the module asks for bearing and distances for each line segment.

Thanks in advance.


"V. VESTRI" wrote:

> Grenoble, le 28 avril 2000
> Hi,
> I will try to explain my problem :
> -       I have a table and a map with points
> -       I want to link all of them for making a polygon
> Is there already an application will make this ?
> Otherwise, any ideas ?
> Thanks
> **************************************************
> Véronique VESTRI
> Ingénieur S.I.G.
> **************************************************
> Surveillance de la Qualité de l'air  en Région Grenobloise
> 44, avenue Marcellin Berthelot
> BP 2734
> 38037 Grenoble Cedex 2
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                            Max Fernandez

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