Thanks to all who responded to my problem in importing a .gif into MI.

I've got the output required!!
>  -----Original Message-----
> From:         Waardenburg, Dennis [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
> Sent: Tuesday, May 23, 2000 1:58 PM
> To:   Swayze, Natalie: WPG
> Subject:      image registration
> Natalie,
> Is your goal to display the GIF as a background under some other files, or
> do you want to digitize relevant features from the GIF into a new layer?
> If you want to show the image in the background of a map, just register it
> (using the instructions below) and open the other layers into the same map
> window.  If you want to digitize features from it, register it, display it
> in its own map window, then create a new table in the same map window and
> trace the features you want onto the new layer.
> From the MI help files:
> What Does It Mean To Register A Raster Image? 
> When you register a raster map image, you enter map coordinates (e.g.
> longitude/latitude degrees), and you indicate which locations on the
> raster image correspond to those coordinates. You must register each
> raster image before displaying the image in MapInfo, so that MapInfo can
> perform geographic calculations, such as distance and area calculations,
> when displaying the raster map. 
> The first time you open a raster image file within MapInfo, MapInfo
> displays the Register Raster Image dialog. By completing this dialog, you
> tell MapInfo how to register the raster image. MapInfo stores the raster
> image's registration information in a table file for future re-use. The
> next time you run MapInfo, you can re-open the raster table without
> repeating the registration process. Thus, you only need to register each
> raster image once. 
> If you have not yet displayed your raster image in MapInfo, perform the
> following steps to register the image: 
> 1. Choose File > Open Table. the Open Table dialog displays. 
> 2. Choose Raster Images from the File Format drop-down list.  MapInfo
> displays a list of raster image files. 
> 3. Choose the raster image file you want to open, and choose Open. MapInfo
> displays the Image Registration dialog. A preview of the raster image
> appears in the lower half of the dialog.
> 4. Specify the image's map projection by choosing the Projection button
> and completing the Choose Projection dialog.
> If you created the raster image by scanning a paper map, the paper map may
> contain information about the map projection used. If you cannot determine
> the map's projection, use the default map projection (longitude/latitude).
> Choose OK.
> 5. Move the mouse cursor over the image preview in the lower half of the
> dialog, to a spot where you know the map coordinates (e.g.
> longitude/latitude), and click the mouse button. MapInfo displays the Add
> Control Point dialog.
> 6. Complete the Add Control Point dialog by entering the map coordinates
> that correspond to the location where you clicked on the map image. Choose
> OK.
> Remember that any location west of the Prime Meridian has a negative
> longitude, and any location south of the Equator has a negative latitude.
> Thus, 73 degrees West corresponds to the X value -73.
> If you are entering coordinates in degrees, you must enter decimal degrees
> as opposed to degrees/minutes/seconds. 
> 7. Repeat steps 5 and 6 until you have entered at least three control
> points. To ensure accurate results, enter five or six control points. Each
> control point that you add helps MapInfo associate earth coordinates with
> locations on the raster image. Ideally, you should have at least one
> control point at or near each corner of the image. 
> The number of control points needed depends on the nature of your raster
> image. If you are not able to determine your map's projection, or if you
> are working with an image that does not have an actual map projection,
> such as an aerial photograph, you may want to enter twenty or more control
> points. 
> 8. Choose OK when you are done adding control points. MapInfo displays the
> raster image in a Map window. 
> When you complete the Image Registration dialog, MapInfo saves the
> registration information in a table (.tab) file. In later MapInfo
> sessions, you can re-open the table by choosing File > Open Table, without
> repeating the registration process, and without having to choose Raster
> Images as the File Type in the Open Table dialog.
> Dennis
>       -----Original Message-----
>       Sent:   Tuesday, May 23, 2000 2:43 PM
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Waardenburg, Dennis
>       Subject:        RE: MI file conversion
>       Thanks alot!
>       Can anyone provide any assistance in terms of the
> geocoding/digitizing components of this??
>                -----Original Message-----
>               From:   Jason Adam [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
>               Sent:   Tuesday, May 23, 2000 1:19 PM
>               To:     Swayze, Natalie: WPG
>               Subject:        RE: MI file conversion
>               Hi again Natalie-
>               I already have the bird sanctuaries for the NWT in a MapInfo
> file.  I don't have the point locations for the southern half of Canada
> done though so you'll still have to digitize those off of your image.
>               Here's something to start with though.
>               Cheers,
>               Jason
>               btw: do you have the names that go with those numbers on the
> picture or point me towards the source?
>                << File: MBS_nwt.ZIP >> 
>               -----Original Message-----
>               From:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>               Sent:   Tuesday, May 23, 2000 12:15 PM
>               To:     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>               Subject:        MI file conversion
>               Hello all,
>               I'm trying to convert a .gif image into a MapInfo compatible
> format-hopefully with registered coordinates etc. eventually...
>               Any suggestions?
>                << File: mbs.gif >> 


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