A recent article posted at
titled "Mapinfo Professional v6.0 Goes 3D & Web Active" was put together
for us by the folks at  Mapinfo UK - some cool screenshots of 6.0
included too!

It may be of interest to some members of the list. Anyone wishing to
express their concerns/thoughts regarding the pending release of 6.0,
please feel free to forward to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Also, thanks to those of you who sent replies to my initial request for
info re MI 6.0


PS: For some light reading you may wish to check out our latest edition
of our monthly newsmag whcih just went out today. We've featured an
article on metadata and the FGDC, as well as highlighted numerous
webmapping app's and some new freebies waiting for you.

Hope all you US folks had a great Memorial Day week-end

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