-----Original Message-----
From: Bill Thoen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, May 30, 2000 5:57 PM
Subject: MI MapBasic project estimation and planning

"I have found that most small mapbasic projects are fairly easy to plan and
estimate, but that the larger ones are sometimes a *lot* more difficult."

Oh boy.  I've spent the last 25 or so years of my career trying to figure
this out.  Basically, I'm a software developer that's been doing GIS part
time for the past five years...

First of all, the soap-box:  Software Engineering is a discipline unto
itself.  There is a large body of work and entire degree programs devoted to
it.  While it is usual for small projects to be done successfully by anyone,
the difficulty of projects explodes in a non-linear way with size, as Bill
observed.  I strongly suggest that anyone tackling a moderate to large size
project (more than 10-20 pages of code, 5 to 10 screens) engage the advice
of someone who is familiar with this kind of work.  You'll be happier, and
so will your users / client.  I know this sounds like an argument for job
crafts in some Union, but... "trust me".

Follow this link for a wonderful summary of "Software's Ten Essentials"

"Virtually every backpacker, rock climber, and recreational hiker in the
Pacific Northwest is familiar with the Seattle Mountaineers' list of "Ten
Essentials": extra clothing, extra food, sunglasses, knife, firestarter,
first aid kit, waterproof matches, flashlight, map, and compass. 
The Ten Essentials are the end-product of years of hard-won experience. They
are intended to help mountaineers avoid getting into trouble in the first
place, and, if that doesn't work, to minimize the damage. No experienced
mountaineer would go into the mountains without the Ten Essentials.
Experienced software developers have also accumulated years of hard-won
experience. Our software adventures often contain more uncharted paths and
dangerous territory than a simple hike in the woods does, and so I propose a
list of Ten Essentials for software projects. "


Having said that, here are a few of my favorite books on the topic:

"Exploring Requirements, quality before design" -- Donald C. Gause & Gerald
M. Weinberg  Dorset House, NY 1989

"Quality Software Management" (there are four volumes) -- Gerald M. Wienberg
Dorset House 1992 and following

"Software Project Survival Guide" -- Steve McConnell, Microsoft Press

"Rapid Development" -- Steve McConnell, Microsoft Press

The McConnell books cover much of the same territory, but Rapid Development
is 800 pages and the survival guide is 300.

For a great bibliography, see
Ed Yourdon's Web Page http://www.yourdon.com/
For some other great software engineering advice, you might consult Steve
McConnell's site: Software Project Survival Guide Web Site
Or the home page, which leads to many great things including another book
Steve McConnell's Home Page http://www.construx.com/stevemcc
Or, maybe Capers Jones site:
Software Productivity Research (Capers Jones) http://www.spr.com/index.htm
But wait, there's more!  (Yet another great bibliography)
http://www.holub.com/goodies/books.html   (Also look at the rest of the

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