My $0.02 1/2 US.................
Doing mapping for 9-1-1 I've bitched long and hard about the *marketing* only concerns of the ivory tower.
We needed exact [more relatively speaking than it is] about v3.5.
I even wrote MB app to convert all polylines to lines, with addressing, and then calculate extending the
lines from 0 to 15% to overcome then geocoding problem.  Of course, then that layer must the hidden below
everything else and use for the searchs while the real layer is only for *visual* purposes.
As far a 3-D and HTML, it will be along time before a cell phone use calls 911 from the top of the Ivory Tower
and shoots and e-mail to the dispatcher that they need help............and the map can pin point where they are ! !
Have a good weekend all, I have to go fix some uses who say my 911 mapping programming does not work
after the trashed the addressed field out...........24/7/52 life of 911

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