Hello David

Most packages will be able to deal with a network even if it doesn't have
any attributes (speed limit etc) at all. In that case you will of course
need to assume the same speed everywhere, meaning shortest=fastest route.

You should also make sure, that your data is correctly geocoded in terms of
either lat/long or non-earth coordinates. Not all packages support lat/long,
which your GPS data probably is? But anyway you can always convert lat/long
into a local non-earth coordinate system (like UTM) using mapinfo.
(RW Net supports lat/long)

Road type are of course more convinient to use than speed info for each link
and street names/road numbers are nice for labeling on maps (and very neede
for making route descriptions), but they are not necessary from the

Regarding mapinfo-format it should normally be (poly)lines and a few
packages also support multi polylines. Lines should snap (=touch), but some
packages accept "near-snap", that is a certain tolerance.
(RW Net doesn't support multi-polylines or "near-snap", but can locate
lines, which almost snap)

And I doubt you will find any mailing lists on this subject, but this one is
probably also quite good ?

Uffe Kousgaard

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