
2 Questions really:

1) I have digitised 400 zone boundaries each with a unique number 
id. I did, however, digitise them in the wrong order, which means 
that the browser is a mess. Although this is not a problem is it 
possible to sort the id's from 1-400+ without physically affecting the 
mapped zones, much like you can in Excel with the 'sort data' 

2) Does anyone know of any software other than Postcode Plus 
supplied by AFD software which can be used to return Postcodes 
when given partial addresses? If any other packages are available 
do they also output a grid ref? Oh, and how much?

TIA oh saviours!

David A. Eagle
WS Atkins Consultants - East Anglia
Wellbrook Court, Girton Road, Cambridge, CB3 0NA.
Direct Dial Tel: (01223) 814090, Fax: (01223) 277529
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